How to prepare a description for a photo on Instagram?

How to prepare a description for a photo on Instagram?


A unique photo is both as much and as little as 80-90% of success on Instagram. Instagram is a platform for typical visual people. But what can you do to increase engagement under your posts and encourage your potential audience to interact with you?

Check below and publish your posts more effectively. Learn the formula for the perfect description under a photo on Instagram!

Basic rules

Photos published on Instagram should feature longer descriptions to encourage users to comment. The description under the photo should contain at least a few sentences. While preparing the description, try to tell something about your day, ideas, plans or interests. Recommend a product to your audience, try to ask a short question that can get a conversation going. Preparing a photo description so that the viewers can learn something about the person who runs the profile, the published photo or the situation presented in the photo can help massively with the interactions under the posts.

Remember that the purpose of the description is to encourage viewers to comment on your photos and not to skip past it!

Multilingual post descriptions on Instagram

When preparing a description for a photo on Instagtam, use the language you know! Prepare a description in your native language and the one you know additionally – it can be English, German, French, etc. If foreign language is a problem, use a translator and a dictionary to help you out.

We recommend running your Instagram profile and publishing posts in a bilingual way, so that each post contains a description in your native language at the top for example English and a translation, for example in French under the native version.

Post with a caption written in more then one language will allow you to reach a larger audience all over the world. Additionally it will attract the attention of your audience towrds the type of person you are. 

Does the length of the description matter?

The description on Instagram can be 2200 characters long – check more information about Instagram’s restrictions and limits.

We recommend not preparing posts that are too long – most viewers will not have the desire and time to read long descriptions. You can deviate from this rule if your recipients like stories and are used to them, and you run your Instagram as a blog.

The description should be of moderate length, so that it does not scare away potential readers.

Post description structure on Instagram

We recommend preparing descriptions for posts so that they are easy to read forthe viewers of your content. Avoid mish-mash, unreadable and overly complicated fonts. When preparing a description for a photo on Instagram, follow the principle of simple is the key!

We suggest to standardize the form of the post, so its structure looks like this:

Native version


Other version



Find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions

What to do about Engagement Rate on Instagram?

Engagament rate on Instagram is the engagement rate of a profile’s audience, which tells us the ratio of comments and likes to followers. The more commenters and likes the better the Engagement Rate.

Does the caption under the Instagram posts affects the Engagement Rate?

Yes, the description is the element which engages the user, so it is worth taking care of the caption and making it interesting.

Can you use profile tags in your description on Instagram?

Of course you can! When tagging a profile on Instagram in the description, all you have to do is put @ (monkey) followed by the profile name of the person you want to tag in the description.

Can I use a custom font on Instagram?

Yes, you can, but ask yourself if it looks presentable. The description should be readable. If you want to use a custom font, prepare the description in a document that allows you to change the font (Notepad, Word) and copy the description into the Instagram app when you publish the photo. This is so that you can see what it would look like.

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